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Euroson PoC-US SCHOOL Vienna 2024

6. September 2024 ab 8:00 bis 7. September 2024 ab 17:00

We have the great pleasure of announcing the forthcoming Euroson PoC-US SCHOOL Vienna 2024,  Hybrid Conference, 5th Edition taking place at Vienna University of Medicine, Austria, on 06-07 September 2024, chaired by Dr. Mihai Iacob, EUVEKUS President.  

This year we have the joy to announce the participation of great personalities in the field of European ultrasonography, as in the previous editions which enjoyed real success and a large number of participants. Our confirmed Keynote Speakers will be: Prof Caroline Ewertsen – EFSUMB President, Prof Shlomo Vinker – WONCA President and Dr Camilla Andersen. 

The theme of the Euroson POCUS SCHOOL Vienna 2024, 5th Edition will be :

The POCUS Curriculum and Guidelines in Frontline Physicians as a Daily Practice.” 

About the Conference: 

The Hybrid Conference is organized by EUVEKUS /EADUS – The European Ultrasound Working Group in Primary and Ambulatory Healthcare, EFSUMB endorsed, EACCME acredited and supported by WONCA Europe. 

As a novelty in the way of organization, we will realize this Euroson School on two levels: beginners and advanced. 

There will be a common theoretical part, accessible to all participants, and a special theoretical part based on competence levels, after which, depending on their requests, we will have a separate practical part for beginners and advanced.

The Euroson POCUS School Conference will reflect the collaboration to advance common approaches and POCUS skills in frontline physicians aimed to improve early diagnosis through ultrasonography techniques.

EUROSON PoC-US SCHOOL 2024 will host over 90 delegates and approximately 12 world-renowned faculty from Europe. Prof. Shlomo Vinker, the President of WONCA Europe has already confirmed his participation in our event as International Keynote Speaker. The meeting will provide participants with a unique opportunity for sharing knowledge, and skills through workshops.

Recently, family medicine has become the foundation of modern medical systems that represent the interface with the patient, turning into a proactive medical specialty, approaching medicine holistically, comprehensively, integrated, and centered on the patient to preserve the health of the people in care through the development of prophylactic services as well as active monitoring of acute or chronic diseases.

Today, family medicine has become a specialty at the European level that solves most cases in medical offices through the judicious use of various modern, miniaturized medical devices, with lower costs alongside the classic clinical examination, for the rapid establishment of a most accurate diagnosis in the segment of primary medicine and the extension of high-performance services in the community, with the possibility of using telemedicine and artificial intelligence services in this field.

Through the existence of continuity services in primary medical care and the use of cutting-edge technologies such as point-of-care testing, Point Care Ultrasound, and telemedicine, and an appropriate educational system, they can very successfully serve the population’s access, especially in rural areas, ultimately resulting in the decongestion of emergency systems in hospitals. 

However, public-private partnerships are needed in the future to help with the proper equipment of outpatient medical offices, but also to provide decent conditions for the medical practice of frontline physicians and provide quality services to patients. POCUS deals with narrowly defined clinical questions within a body region or an individual organ without claiming to comprehensively assess a region or an organ system.

The central question is what should and must a frontline physician be able to do in order to carry out basic medicine with ultrasound ?

Essentially, it is about being able to decide with greater accuracy in acute situations with the support of emergency sonography in particular (“triage tool” emergency sonography) whether a patient can continue to be treated at home or whether further acute diagnostics and treatment within the hospital is necessary. In addition, the use of emergency sonography can improve and accelerate the correct diagnosis of very central symptoms. This saves other diagnostic examinations and leads to an earlier start of adequate therapy.

When we have advanced and relatively cheap ultrasound devices, and high-performance technology with artificial intelligence or some smart software using updated diagnostic algorithms, it’s time to complete the classic clinical examination (by history, inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation) with the new clinical-ultrasound examination that currently allows us to visualize through ultrasound most organs and tissues of the human body(US-inspection), along with electronic ultrasound palpation through ultrasonographic elastography method(US-palpation), but also with the electronic auscultation through the Doppler Triplex technique(US-auscultation) to increase the diagnostic accuracy in primary and outpatient healthcare.

In addition, this activity will provide a platform for networking with many of Europe’s leading experts, focusing on reviewing and assessing best practices in ultrasonography. The meeting program will include presentations, hands-on training, and several informal social gatherings. 

The Conference Venue will be the University of Medicine in Vienna, where we have previously organized a successful Euroson POCUS School under the auspices of EFSUMB. (Universitätszahnklinik Wien, Sensengasse 2A, 1090 Vienna, Austria). 

Universitätszahnklinik Wien

Sensengasse 2A
Wien, Wien 1090 Österreich